On Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 10:00 AM (ET) the Sovereign Grand Commanders of the Southern Jurisdiction, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, PHA Southern Jurisdiction, and PHA Northern Jurisdiction came together for the first time for the purpose of signing a statement of unity. To explain in more detail what this event was all about and why it is necessary, here are a few words from our Sovereign Grand Commander, Ill. James D. Cole 33°:
“In 2013, the Southern Jurisdiction officially recognized Prince Hall’s two Councils and established official relations. However, owing to multiple Grand Lodges, all within our Jurisdiction, not yet recognizing Prince Hall, the “news” was not published widely, in order to avoid any disruptions in our relationship with Grand lodges, and to avoid confusion.
In the past few years, we have reached the point where most Grand Lodges have now recognized Prince Hall. Many Grand Masters have now asked me to clarify our stance. Additionally, I want us to go beyond mere recognition, which normally changes little, and begin to share resources, programs, technology, etc. literally working to help one another as we support one another’s independence.
This is the first time that these four Councils have stood together, reaffirmed their ‘official recognition,’ but also pledged to do something about it.”
Below is the Live Broadcast of the Signing, Official picture of all 4 Supreme Councils, and the Certificate the Sovereign Grand Commanders signed.