The purpose of the Double Eagle Award is to recognize members of the valley who are active and participate in masonic functions/events. All members of The Valley of Mobile are eligible to receive the Double Eagle Award!
To become an active participant in the program members need only to record their participation and turn it into the our General Secretary monthly via email or paper copy. Recipients will be recognized at our Feast of Tishri which is the October Meeting; all Mobile Valley Members will receive the award once they reach 7,000 points.

Events (25 points each):
Attend or participate in various events such as Ceremony of Remembrance, Feast of Tishri, Official Visit of SGIG/Deputy, Reunions, attend/work KCCH Investiture/33* Coronation and other events as Authorized by the Executive Committee.
100 points for being first line signer on a SR Petition for membership/affiliation, 50 points for restoration of a former member.
100 points for serving as an elected officer and 50 points for serving as an appointed officer. 100 points for serving as committee chairman and 25 points each for serving on a committee. 25 points for participating in a called work party, SR degree participation (including Ceremony of Remembrance, Feast of Tishri) and 25 points for other events as authorized by the Executive Committee.
Extended Services:
After reception of the first presentation of the Double Eagle Award, each award after will be the continuous hanging bars in order (Red, White, Blue, Gold Scroll) with the final award of the Red, White, & Blue Ribbon to replace the Black Ribbon from the recipients first presentation. The Awards are as follows:
1st Award – Basic Medallion with Black Ribbon
2nd Award – Red Hanging Bar
3rd Award – White Hanging Bar
4th Award – Blue Hanging Bar
5th Award – Gold Scroll Hanging Bar
6th Award – Red, White, & Blue Ribbon
General Guidelines:
Points for the award are accumulated on a 12-month basis September 1 to August 31 of the following year & carryover to the next year and the cut-off on turning in sheets is Sept 1 of each year. The Award will be presented at our Feast of Tishri in October. Points received after that date would be accredited to the next year. Each award of The Knight of the Double Eagle Award is presented at each 7,000 point interval.
Effective date of these guidelines is August 7, 2023.